Many books have been written about the importance of water for a healthy body and mind. Even more has been written about contaminants, filtration, and purification. Everywhere we read of diminishing water resources, water rationing, and the privatization of water. All this is evidence that we are becoming more aware of the significance of our relationship with water. Yet, so far, little emphasis has been placed on understanding water as a living essence. When we learn to treat water as a conscious participant in the process of life, rather than as a commodity to be harvested, sold, and abused, we will begin our return to the natural order of things. Only then will we enter into what Charles Eisenstein (in his book, The Ascent of Humanity) refers to as the “Age of Water.”
Eisenstein identifies the Age of Water as an era during which we instinctively treat the Earth and everything on it as sacred. This long-awaited time is at our doorstep now. It is a time to clasp hands with Mother Nature and return to the garden into which we were born. It is a time to discover the keys to creation (the same keys that will create sustainable solutions for our future). As we step into the Age of Water, we will discover that returning the life force to water is synonymous with stepping into life in a whole new way.
Dancing with Water will help you to personally step into the Age of Water. It will teach you how to return its liquid crystalline order, its vitality, and its ability to support life to the fullest. As a guide to naturally treating, structuring, enhancing, and revitalizing your water, Dancing with Water will also help you to connect with water on a conscious level and to honor the role water plays in the dance of life. The authors’ backgrounds (one in science, the other in the healing and intuitive arts) offer a unique perspective. The book combines existing science with wisdom available through the intuitive arts—balancing and expanding on the best science has to offer.
The authors invite you to step in with them now . . . and immerse yourself in the Dance with Water.