What is the New Science of Water?
For the longest time, scientists have focused on gathering all the right elements and on placing them under the right circumstances to initiate life. To a certain extent, elements and circumstances are important, but recent discoveries indicate that only when the elements become organized will they sustain the flow of energy necessary for life to exist. This type of organization refers to molecular organization like that found in crystals—repeating molecular arrays that are able to amplify and to conduct signals. Crystals are the reason radio communication completely changed in the 1940’s as “crystal radio technology” came into being. It is why we still use crystals in our solid state technologies today. The molecular organization of crystals facilitates the flow of energy and information.
Many tissues and cellular components have now been identified as liquid crystals. They sustain the flow of energy and at the same time, the flow of energy sustains the liquid crystalline state. Quantum biologists and quantum physicists have begun to discover evidence such that life itself can be defined in terms of an organism’s ability to maintain the liquid crystalline state.
The New Science of Water is about the liquid crystalline phase of water and its effects on health, healing, and consciousness. Yet, from another perspective, the New Science, is also a very Old Science, more ancient than the Earth herself. It encompasses a path of wisdom that works in harmonious balance with the natural systems of the Earth. The New Sciences evolving at this time acknowledge the living nature of Mother Earth—the knowledge that the Earth is an integrated whole, a complex, self-regulating system that is, in fact, a part of an even larger cosmic “whole.”
Our current technology has evolved in isolation from this ancient, science, resulting in an artificial world that forces us to exist outside the web of life. The consequences of this are evident everywhere. Also evident are signs that this artificial reality is slowly falling apart—giving way to the New Science—and making it possible to come full circle back to harmonious balance with Mother Nature.
If you are interested in joining us for our quarterly, global meditations to help heal the Earth and her water, visit Meditations for the Water.
Join us in the “dance” as we explore the New Science of Water.