Viktor Schauberger saw life’s many processes as part of an indivisible whole—linked by spiral movement. He identified two forms of motion in Nature:
1. Outwardly expanding (used by Nature to encourage breakdown and decomposition) and
2. Inwardly spiraling (used to build up, to create, and to energize).
Vortices are Nature’s finest creative/organizing forces. They manage energy—gathering and dispersing it—keeping the entire universe organized and alive.
Vortices are the result of a self-organizing flow where a substance rotates around its own axis with a decreasing radius. The speed of rotation increases toward the center where a sub-pressure forms. Theoretically, the speed at the center of a vortex is infinite—capable of breaking through dimensional boundaries. The vortex is a gateway between levels of energy. From a tornado to the spiraling growth of plants, the vortex is Nature’s mechanism for increasing the quality of energy from a lower to a higher level. Black holes can be thought of as vortices, considered by some to be gateways linking different parts of the universe or different universes. Ormus is also composed of spinning particles. It is believed to have interdimensional properties—both gathering input from the universe and capable of carrying thought/intent into the living field of energy.
During experiments at the Institute of Technology in Stuttgart, Germany in 1952, Schauberger and Professor Franz Pöpel investigated the nature of spiraling water. Conical, straight, and spiraling pipes were studied. Their results were very revealing. The more conical and spiraling the pipes became, the more the frictional resistance decreased. Pipes made from copper demonstrated lower resistance than those made of glass. Under certain circumstances, negative friction was reported. In other words, the water appeared to leave the walls of the pipe.
The self-organizing nature of vortices is a significant factor during the creation of liquid crystalline/structured water. Vortices are thought to bring about the same type of coherent domain that exists in superfluids— with zero resistance to the transmission of energy and information. These domains exist in superconductor-based devices where vortices play a major role. (Read Abstract)
The temperature at the center of a vortex is cooler than at the periphery. This is known as the Ranque-Hilsch effect. Victor demonstrated this by showing that water flowing past a rock is cooler than the water in front of the rock—due to the vortex (and the cooling effect it creates) as water spins past the rock. This is one reason moving water stays cool despite warmer ambient temperatures.
When left to itself, water always spirals. Movement encourages vortices; they help to purify and energize water; they help maintain water’s perfect temperature (4°C); they bring about coherent structure; and they send/receive life-supporting information. Chapter 3 of Dancing with Water is entirely devoted to a discussion of vortices.