Laminar crystal objects are made of muscovite mica (a crystalline, sheet-like mineral), combined with food-safe ceramic clay, creating a matrix that can be molded to any shape.
Kiln firing creates a resilient ceramic similar to material believed to have been used in the capstone of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

Mica is used in many modern technologies as a capacitor and as an amplifier. Capacitors accumulate and discharge energy. Hence, Laminar crystal objects can store a tremendous amount of energy which results from millions of multi-directional layers resonating together. The elements in laminar crystal are maintained in a high spin state referred to as ormus. As one particle discharges, it charges another particle so that the high spin state is maintained. When placed in or around water, laminar crystal objects excite individual elements in water and heighten their energetic potential.
As a crystalline material, mica is also an amplifier–tuned to the specific frequencies that support life on Earth. Numerous large deposits on the planet help to maintain energetic balance and to continually cleanse the surrounding environment. Mica and laminar crystal pick up many life-supporting frequencies and radiate them for the benefit of everything in the surrounding area.
One of the functions of pyramids and stone towers may have been to gather and concentrate energy. Many pyramids were either built over sites where mica was abundant, or mica was brought in from the surrounding area and used in some way in the making of the pyramid. In the case of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, mica was used in the capstone. The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan in Mexico had huge sheets of mica embedded between two of the upper levels of the pyramid. Unfortunately these were removed and sold during restoration in the early 1900s. More recently, a “Mica Temple” has been discovered on the same site. Directly under a floor of heavy rock slabs, sheets of mica were found. The sheets are 90 feet square—one directly on top of the other. Huge sheets of mica have also been found in front of the Abu Ghurab pyramid which is part of the pyramid complex at Abu Sir south of Cairo.
Man made tunnels exist underneath and within the surrounding area in Teotihuacan and at other pyramid sites which have been built over man-made tunnels or natural caves where water was apparently periodically directed. In this way, the water was infused with the amplified Earth resonance and cosmic upgrades necessary for abundant growth and vitality. According to a British explorer who has documented his work in the recent book, Beneath the Pyramids, an enormous system of caves, chambers and tunnels lies hidden beneath the Pyramids of Giza. The caves, which are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years old, may have inspired the development of the pyramid field.
Objects made of laminar crystal bring structure, life force, and hydrogen to water. Pictured at the right are laminar crystal orbs intended for use in water.
Purchase Laminar crystal orbs (set of 3)